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How Review0 works for Authors - A Comprehensive Guide to How Review0 works for Authors

How Review0 Works for Authors

Review0 is a Search Engine and Decision Engine that helps Authors find good, reliable service providers for each and every service and product they might use in the process of writing, publishing, selling and marketing their books

Review0 also encompasses areas such as improving your writing skills, finding the best tools and apps and devices for writing, and figuring out what to write (perhaps the most important area of all)

This page will explain exactly how Review0 works and, in particular, how you can use Review0 and get the most out of it

How Review0 Works as a Search Engine for Authors

Review0 is a Search Engine for Authors. Each page has a search bar at the very top of the page.

It has a purple Search button to the right of it. It also has the following Guide Text: Type Words Here to Search for Reviews & Service Providers

To Search for Something on Review0 -
  1. Just click in the Search Box at the top of the page, type in what you are searching for, and then press the purple Search button
  2. For Example: Type in 'Cover Designer' and press Search
  3. After you press the Search button, Review0 will search through the entire site and show you results relevant to your Search
  4. It will show (assuming you searched for 'Cover Designer')
    • Any Service Providers that match 'Cover Designer'. Basically it will show you a list of cover designers
    • It will also show you any Reviews that match 'Cover Designer'. It will show you cover designer reviews
    • It will also show any Categories at Review0 that match 'Cover Designer'. It will show you categories like 'Cover Designer' and 'Cover Design Software'
  5. Then you can either go to one of the Categories to see all Service Providers in that Category, or you can click on one of the cover designer reviews, or you can click on one of the cover designers

How Review0 Works as a Decision Engine for Authors

The Search Engine part of Review0 helps you search and find good, reliable service providers. The Decision Engine part of Review0 helps you decide who to work with

To start, click on the 'Switch Review Category' button which is at the very top of each page. Pressing that will bring out a Menu on the left side of your page. There are 11 Pillars of Review0 -
  1. What to Write - This Pillar covers what to write, how to decide and research genres and categories in the book stores, and how to do market size research
  2. Write Your Book - This Pillar covers everything you need when actually writing your book
  3. Apps for Authors - This Pillar is a listing of some of the best Apps you can use to help you with various aspects of being an author
  4. Polish Your Book - This Pillar covers every aspect of polishing and refining and improving your book
  5. Publish Your Book - This Pillar covers actually publishing your book in the ebook stores and the book stores
  6. Promote Externally - This Pillar covers promoting your book via different marketing and promotion sites and channels
  7. Build Channels - This Pillar covers building your own direct channels to readers
  8. Sell Your Book - This Pillar covers selling your book and financial aspects
  9. Make A Living - This Pillar covers how you can increase your chances of making a comfortable to very comfortable living from books
  10. Improve Your Skills - This Pillar covers becoming a better writer and writing better books
  11. Build Trust - This Pillar covers building a strong reputation as an author
  12. Support System - This Pillar covers where you can get support and meet like minded people
After the Menu comes up on the left side of the page
  1. Click on the Pillar you want to start with. Clicking it will show a list of the Categories in that Pillar
  2. Click on the Category you are interested in. For example, you can click on 'Polish Your Book' Pillar and then you can click on 'Editor Reviews' Category
  3. This will take you to a list of some good, trusted, legitimate editors. You can click on each Editor to see details about them, what type of authors they cater to, whether or not they focus on certain book genres, and what budget range they fall into
  4. You can also see our official review for them (if we have written one), what their rating is, and then you can make a decision on which editor to work with
By organizing all of the services you would ever need into 12 distinct Pillars, and organizing each Pillar into 10 to 25 different categories, we make it simple for you

Simply pick a Pillar and Category, and you will get a list of some of the best and most trustable service providers for that Category. Then you can make an informed decision of whom you will choose to work with

Review0 is thus a Decision Engine - helping you make smart decisions that save you money and time and helping you to avoid headaches

What is Review0?

Review0 is a Search Engine that will help you find good, trustable service providers that are usually the very best in their area

Review0 is a Decision Engine that will help you make a smart decision on whom to work with and will save you time and money

How Review0 Works

The Search part of Review0 works just like a Search Engine like Google or Bing or Yahoo Search. Just type what you are looking for in the Search Bar at the top of each page of Review0, then press the purple Search button to get Search Results

The Decision Engine & Reviews part of Review0 works like a review site or a directory. Just click on the 'Switch Review Category' button at the top of every page to see a list of Pillars (Areas) and Categories. You choose a Pillar (Area) that you are interested in, then click on it to see a list of Categories within that Pillar. Then you pick a category you want

Review0 will then show you a list of trusted service providers in that Category. You simply click on whichever Service Provider you want to read more about. Then you can make an informed decision, safe in the knowledge that only vetted, trusted service providers are included

How Best to Use Review0

Firstly, please read the various pages. Critical to read at least these 4 pages -
  1. How Review0 Works for Authors
  2. Review0 Benefits for Authors
  3. Starting Guide for Authors
  4. No One Absolute Truth
Secondly, please figure out what area or areas you want to use Review0 for. We have 11 Pillars/Areas and it's best to figure out which of these 11 Pillars you want to start with
  1. What to Write - Start with this Pillar if you haven't figured out what to write, or if what you are writing so far isn't bringing you success
  2. Write Your Book - Start here if you are writing your book and want advice and input on how to write it better and faster and more efficiently
  3. Apps for Authors - Start here if you want to see a variety of Apps that cover every aspect of an author's life and work
  4. Polish Your Book - Start here if you have finished your book and now are working on polishing and refining it and distilling it into literary gold
  5. Publish Your Book - Start here if your book is ready and you want to figure out what publisher to work with and/or what store to self publish in
  6. Promote Externally - Start here if your book is available for sale in one or more stores and now you're looking to promote and market it
  7. Build Channels - Start here if in addition to external marketing channels, you want to build and leverage your own marketing channels that allow you to reach your readers directly, any time you want, for free (or very cheap)
  8. Sell Your Book - Start here if you want to get into all the nuances of selling your book
  9. Make A Living - Start here if you want to make the move to writing being a full time job and/or you want to translate your success in books to translate into financial success
  10. Improve Your Skills - Start here if you want to become a better writer, or a better marketer, or better at building your own direct channels to readers
  11. Build Trust - Start here if you are interested in getting reviews for your books, winning awards, and establishing trust with readers and a good reputation
  12. Support System - This Pillar covers where you can get support and meet like minded people. Important: Avoid negative people like the plague. Avoid bad carpenters who blame their tools even more. You can never be successful if you do not take 100% responsibility for your success
Thirdly, go through the areas one by one. Always do your own research and your own due diligence to add to Review0 recommendations. Read the Category Guides, whenever possible. Stay positive. Stay optimistic

How are Service Providers Selected for Review0

Service Providers are selected based on the following criteria
  1. 100% Integrity and Honesty to Authors
  2. Very good at what they do. Excellence in the work they do is the joint most important criteria
  3. Can be confirmed as a Real Business and as a Real Person. We verify that it's a real business with real company registration and that the person running it is a real person with valid identification such as a driving license or a passport
  4. Good Reliable Services and Products that work
  5. Prices that are reasonable and good value for money
  6. Very well defined terms and policies on what the product is, and what to do if something goes wrong
  7. Tangible Services and Products that add some actual value to authors. Whether value is added directly or indirectly is fine. However, it must be services that add concrete value
  8. The following areas should be very well described and explained on service providers' website - Prices, Physical Location, Company Information, Refund Policy, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy
  9. Common Courtesy to Authors
To gather all this information yourself, as an Author, would take hours for each Service Provider. In some cases it would be impossible. We do this for nearly every service provider we add to Review0

Can every Author join Review0? Can every Author add Reviews?

As far as the Search Engine and the different Pillars and Categories - any Author can use them. It's similar to Google and Bing Search - just search for whatever you want

There are additional membership levels for Review0 that give special benefits and privileges
  1. Free Silver Membership (Basic Membership) - You can sign up and use the Basic Membership level for free. Anyone can sign up. It gives you access to the affiliate program i.e. refer other people to Review0 and get the paid membership levels for free
  2. Paid Membership Levels - You can sign up for the paid membership levels which offer exclusive and valuable content
  3. Contributor Level with Ability to Add Reviews - To be able to Add Reviews you must verify you're a real person and agree to a specific set of conditions i.e. you will only leave honest reviews, you will only review service providers you have actually worked with, etc. We will only add you after we can verify your identity and that you're a real person and that you're an author

How are Reviews approved for Review0

We look at the following criteria when deciding whether to approve a Review
  1. Review must explain the pros and cons of using a service provider
  2. Review must add value to the ecosystem i.e. provide some good information on the service provider
  3. Review must be based on actual experience. Absolutely no reviews based on someone else's experience of the product
  4. Review must not be a personal attack. There must not be any defamation or discrimination or racism
  5. Review must be balanced and fair
  6. Not part of a coordinated attack on a service provider
  7. Not part of a coordinated attempt to get a lot of positive reviews for a service provider
  8. Review must not be legally contentious. We will reject any review that is liable to get you into legal trouble
Just write a honest account of what happened, and it will probably be approved

Please do note that Review0 focuses on 'What Works'. It is much better to write reviews for the service providers you had great experiences with, than to focus on the ones that did not work for you

What are the various Membership Levels for Review0

In terms of being able to write reviews, there are two levels
  1. Normal Member Level - This is a Review0 member who can use Review0 but cannot add reviews. We generally refer to this as Silver Level
  2. Contributor Level - This is a Review0 member who also has the ability to write reviews. To get Contributor Level you have to show some proof that you are a real person, agree to the Reviews0 terms as regards writing reviews, and we have to verify that you have not done legal cases or witch hunts against service providers. We will also verify that you have not done fake reviews or paid reviews in the past
In terms of being able to access special insights and guides and information, there are 4 levels -
  1. Silver Level - This is a non paying Review0 member. This member can access Review0 and can apply to become a Contributor (someone who can add Reviews)
  2. Gold Level - This is a paying Review0 membership level (you can also get Gold Level by referring new authors to Review0). Gold Level members get access to special content and secrets and various tips and tricks. These are things we learnt over our 11 years in the eBooks and Publishing business (Jan 2008 to now)
  3. Diamond Level - This is a paying Review0 membership level (you can also get Diamond Level by referring new authors to Review0). Diamond Level members get access to various strategies and methods which allowed us to - grow from 30,000 readers to 8 million readers in 4 years; sell 1.35 million paid apps; sell $1.5 million of book promotion packages; get 1 million+ free app downloads for our games apps; get 3.1 million app downloads for our books apps; get 1 million+ app downloads for our productivity apps
  4. Pearl Level - this is the highest paying Review0 membership level (you can also get Pearl Level by referring new authors to Review0 or referring a paying Service Provider to Review0). Pearl Level has the absolute best strategies and tips and insights - how we overcame fake reviews; how we grew our daily reader add rate 30 times; the things that allowed us to grow our reader add rate to over 1 million net new readers a year; how we massively increased the number of reviews we get; top mistakes we see authors and publishers make; top 100 things we have learnt over the last 10 years that authors would benefit from
You can choose whichever level you like. You can buy one of the paid levels, or you can get it for free by referring new authors to Review0

If you're a customer of one of our sister companies (Books Butterfly, Review Saint), then you get Gold Level membership for free, and you get a 50% discount on Diamond Level and Pearl Level memberships

Reach 5 Million+ Readers. Books Butterfly (our sister company) can get your book in front of millions of readers

You can promote your book to 1.8 Million Twitter Readers, 2.8 Million App Readers, and 310,000 Email Subscribers with Books Butterfly

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